Dear Friends, I am super excited to announce the world-wide release of my book and audiobook - narrated by me, the author.  You can purchase it now on iTunes, Audible, and/or Amazon as a hard cover, paperback or Kindle…

This Kind Of Silence - now available as an Audiobook!

For me, one of the most exciting parts of becoming a published author was knowing my book, This Kind of Silence, would be available in all formats - audiobook included. 

In this video, you’ll get a short glimpse of what it was like behind the scenes. I worked with studio owner, Dan Heflin every morning for a minimum of two hours for about six weeks. The process was new and exciting for me, and I am very proud of our result. 

With an audiobook, there are alternatives to how, when and where we can enjoy a good read. Even if you’ve already read This Kind of Silence, I hope you will enjoy listening to me narrate the story. 

Maybe it will inspire you to reflect upon and remember the importance of self-care in your own daily life. In this book I share my journey and all the practices I have experienced on this path of self-healing and creating a whole new quality of life :)

May you continue to listen to whispers of wisdom within

May you continue to listen to whispers of wisdom within


Click below for the Amazon store!


Praise for the book:


This Kind of Silence is an inspirational story about gratitude for the small blessings in life, learning to listen again, and the quiet joys of stillness amidst the noise.

3D Kind of Silence.png

What if you knew that you had the power to help heal your own physical pain, illness or incapacity? 

Michele was a successful thirty-two-year-old school principal and married mother of two, when she woke up one morning and could no longer hear.

Doctors could offer no explanation. She spent three frustrating and desperate years searching to make sense of the medical mystery, but doctors told her there was little chance she would ever hear again. Then one day, a colleague asked, “What is it, perhaps, that you don’t want to hear?”

THIS KIND OF SILENCE: How Losing My Hearing Taught Me to Listen - is an invitation for you to begin a radical self-care journey of your own especially if there are 'mysterious signs' that you are currently navigating in your life.

This book demonstrates how vulnerability and willingness to listen can unlock our inner intelligence and intuition. 

Audio File! Let me read to you the first chapter of the book (Enjoy the first Chapter!)
Michele Susan Brown

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Would you like to read my book and leave a review? I invite you to enter my Giveaway below - for the first 100 people who register on Goodreads - will get full access to my book now .  


Nonfiction Book Award Status: Gold

My book was honored with a GOLD AWARD by the Nonfiction Book Awards, via the Nonfiction Authors Association!

“I truly enjoyed your book and its personal insights shared through your strong and intimate writing style.  It transcends the familiar pattern of books by people who have overcome or healed from ailments or injuries by helping the reader understand how essential the physical sense of hearing has been to you and is for all of us.  The frustrations and losses you share are balanced by your inner transformation and wisdom.  Your first person narrative draws in readers to become compassionate listeners to you and hopefully to people in their lives as well.  While the structure shifts between experiences over the course of several decades, it is not as hard to follow the timeline as it is in some books that use this type of framework.  Thank you for helping me become more aware of the gift of hearing and the emotions that impact our physical experience through your vivid words and feelings.”

- Nonfiction Authors Association Book Awards Program

‘A beautifully written book that instills hope in the great mysteries of life and reminds us of the powerful connection between the body, mind, and soul. This story will return you to the deep wisdom of your own knowing. It may even make you believe in miracles.’

—Joanne Fedler

Writer’s retreat in Fiji with Joanne Fedler, 2014

Writer’s retreat in Fiji with Joanne Fedler, 2014



I am a narrative non-fiction writer based in Northern California with a debut book, a memoir titled This Kind of Silence: Learning to Listen by Losing My Hearing, and I know just how powerful connection is between the mind, body, heart, and soul... and how important it is that we listen to our body’s own innate wisdom.

I learned the hard way. I spent months that turned into years searching externally for answers when odd and unusual heath issues appeared. I didn’t realize I needed to look deeper within myself as well.

I hope my own personal experience may serve as a reflective example of how you can be more compassionate, truthful, and supportive with yourself during confusing and challenging times. Here are some of the questions I've asked myself and the answers which have come as a result changed everything for me... So how about you?

I would like to offer you a sneak peek sample! It's a free downloadable gift to you to inspire you to consider the importance of exploring more of your own wisdom within, please subscribe to my list and I will email you the PDF.